Nail will tell what happen?

Yellow nails:
When the yellow color of the nail refer fungus infection symptoms. If the fungus infection is fatal, ends of your nail may come up, nails may crack, and may increase the thickness of the nail. Ever yellow colored nails may be a sign of more serious diseases. Such as

  1. Inflammation of the thyroid gland
  2. Lung inflammation
  3. Diabetes and
  4. Psoriasis (a severe skin disease)
  1. Chlorosis
  2. Heart failure
  3. Liver disease and
  4. Malnutrition

Red and Swelling:
If you find the joint of nails and skin reddened and swollen that is signs of inflammation of the nail.

Black spot:
If the dark circles under your nails is a good idea to test as soon as possible. it can be predicted as Skin cancer.Nail problems mentioned above could be signs of disease or forecast in several complicated. However, it is not possible to say with certainty when there is such a problem that you have no disease.If there is any change in the types of fingernails please go to a specialist doctor for advice.
